Tutoring Bratislava
Found 29 tutors
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Katarina C.
Katarina C.
- Personally verified
I have experience in tutoring English. I became proficient in the English language through my higher education in Great Britain. I also have experience with students with learni...
Katarína K.
Katarína K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
I have experience in tutoring children in elementary school, as I was in the school children's club as part of the delivery practice for children when they had a problem with so...
Martina B.
Martina B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello, As a former bilingual school student, I would like to transfer the knowledge I gained during this time to someone else and help them improve their english skills. I hav...
Anna B.
Anna B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience with tutoring english, slovak, maths, biology, chemistry, physics.. on the elemtary and secondary school as well. I have bachelor degree from teaching of Engli...
Aurélia J.
Aurélia J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have graduated Bachelor degree in University of Economics in Bratislava, I obtaibed Cambridge English certificate level B2 and i Can speak english fluently with no problem :) ...
Eva Š.
Eva Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Let me improve your skills in daily conversation in English. I have been learning English from an early age, plus I am currently studying at an International Programme which is ...
Nikola K.
Nikola K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello! If you are interested in the nature around us like me, you missed a few lessons at school or simply lessons in school are not enough for you and you want to know more, I ...
Viktória Š.
Viktória Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in tutoring chemistry, physics, mathematics and English. I study all of the mentioned subjects at university. I will adapt to the student's needs, tutor for a ...
Viktória Š.
Viktória Š.
- Personally verified
Dobrý deň drahí rodičia, viem, že chcete dopriať svojim deťom len to najlepšie, rovnako ako to robia tí moji, a hoci som tomu ako malá nerozumela, teraz z toho čerpám osoh. Má...
Emilia F.
Emilia F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Mám skúsenosti s doučovaním angličtiny u detí druhého stupňa základnej školy. Nebol by problém ani s mladšími ani so staršími. Tento rok som úspešne maturovala na jednotky z ang...
Daniela B.
Daniela B.
S doučovaním mám dlhodobé skúsenosti. Doučovala som žiakov ako základných, tak aj stredných škôl v oblasti chémie, slovenčiny, anglického a francúzskeho jazyka. Som držiteľkou m...
Alexandra H.
Alexandra H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Ponúkam doučovanie anglického a slovenského jazyka pre deti základnej školy prvého stupňa . Prípadne možnosť aj matematiky pre prváčikov alebo druhačikov . Doučovanie je možné a...
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