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Verification and insurance

We have Verification Centers, 666 reviews and unique babysitting insurance.

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849+ five-star reviews from parents



7 years experience

S Majkou sme sa stretli u nej doma a ja som jej mohla v kľude povedať niečo o mojich rodičoch, pre ktorých som hľadala dobrú dušu, navzájom sa troš...

— Monika


6 years experience

Barborka prišla do našej rodiny po narodení mojho druhého syna Matúška, ktorý má tri mesiace. Prvý synček Miško sa cítil odstrčený a nechcela som h...

— Mariana


7 years experience

Nika k nám prišla pomôcť s malou Stankou (ktorá vtedy nemala ešte ani rok) a s domácnosťou. Ja som bola vtedy dosť zúfalá, ale Nika sa ničoho nezľa...

— Gabriela


6 years experience

Barča bola naša prvá opatrovatelka pre mojho synčeka Mattea, ktorý mal vtedy 9 mesiacov. Už si ani inú neviem pri ňom predstaviť. Je milá, dochviln...

— Mariana


Laureen Bruneteau

Very good website to found sitter in kosice :)

Esther Titilayo Babajide

I had a positive experience at hlidač's verification center today. The attending lady was friendly, and the verification process was efficient, taking only 15 minutes for completion. Overall, a smooth and pleasant experience.

Every babysitting booked on Hlídač is insured up to 35 000 €*.

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Babysitting whenever you need

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Also look at sitter jobs, once approved you will be allowed to offer families babysitting! Parents will also be able to contact you directly.

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Babysitting. Whenever you need.

At Hlídač you can find a babysitter or a cleaning help for long-term or short-term help. Hundreds of sitters are already registered in larger cities. You can simply start your search with babysitting Bratislava or babysitting Košice or enter the name of your town in the search box above.

The most important thing parents are interested in before the babysitting itself is their children’s safety.

Therefore, Hlídač have their own Verification Centres in Bratislava, Prague and Brno, three levels of online verification and above all, ratings from other parents. Check also 9 tips regarding your first babysitting experience.

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