 Pet Sit Photos
9 reviews
  • 41 years
  • Staré Mesto
  • 81 users have already contacted her
  • Booked repeatedly
  • She sends photos from pet sitting.
  • Activity 3 days ago
  • Response time: 4 hours
  •  Bilingválne gymnázium J.A. Komenského, Košice
  •  Technická univerzita, Fakulta baníctva, Cestovný ruch
  •  Overnight stay at my home
  •  Overnight stay at dogs (cats...) home
  •  Visit & play
  •  Dog walking
  •  Over the day at my home
  •  Small (up to 5kg)
  •  Medium (up to 25kg)
  •  Big (up to 40kg)
  •  Giant (over 40kg)
  •  Junior
  •  Adult
  •  Senior
  •  I have no dog
  •  I have no children 0-5
  •  I have no children 6-12

Marcela M.

5 €/hour


  • (9)
  • 41 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

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Klaudia K.15/11/2024Pet care

Som veľmi vďačná za Marcelu. Poskytla výnimočnú starostlivosť mojim 2 mačičkám. Po každej návšteve mi poslala správu a fotky, vďaka čomu som si mohla oddýchnuť bez obáv. Vrelo ju odporúčam. :)

I am so grateful for Marcela. She provided exceptional care for my 2 cats. She kept me updated with photos and messages, which made my time away worry-free. I highly recommend her. :)

Nina H.26/08/2024Pet care

Môjho psíka (a nás) nemohlo stretnúť nič lepšie než Marcelka :) Presne vie, čo psík potrebuje a nemá problém sa prispôsobiť jeho/jej potrebám. Je úžasne ochotná, flexibilná, zodpovedná a je radosť s ňou ako s človekom spolupracovať. Škoda, že viem dať len 5 hviezdičiek :)

There is no one better than Marcelka :) She knows exactly what a dog needs and has no problem adapting to his/her needs. She is amazingly helpful, flexible, responsible and a joy to work with as a person. Too bad I can only give 5 stars :)

Samuel T.05/08/2024Pet care

Za nás najlepšie stráženie aké náš psík mal. Vyskúšali sme už aj hotely, ale úplnú spokojnosť sme spoznali až teraz. Áron (psík) mal dlhé prechádzky, pohodlie svojho domova a špičkovú starostlivosť :) Ďakujeme že sme mohli prežiť dovolenku s úplným kľudom.

Jana R.28/02/2024Pet care

Veľmi, veľmi, veľmi som bola spokojná. Marcelka je skvelá. Urobí pre zvieratko prvé-posledné. Veľmi pekne ďakujeme a pokiaľ budeme opäť hľadať niekoho pre našu mačku, vieme na koho sa obrátiť.

Laureen B.17/01/2024Pet care

I'm really happy that Marcela took care of my cats, she works miracles even with very stressed cats. My cats have been very happy in her company.
I recommend her 100%. :)

Natalie W.07/01/2024Pet care

Where do I start! I can't express how happy I am that I found Marcela. My dog Vinny is a unique little boy and the way she welcomed him into her family made leaving him so much easier. Marcela makes sure all Vinny and my needs are met with no problem and goes above and beyond this. Vinny has an amazing time every time he stays with her and goes on lots of adventures.
Even when he had a small problem she took him to the vets and solved it without me having to worry!
You can 100% trust Marcela with your pets and know they are being loved and looked after 🙌

Martina S.05/10/2023Pet care

Marcelka nie je len úžasnou "hlídačkou", ale hlavne skvelým, milým, priateľským, empatickým, zodpovedným a ústretovým človekom. K zvieratkám má milujúci, citlivý prístup a poskytuje im dôkladnú starostlivosť. Môžem len odporučiť :)

Katarina P.29/07/2023Babysitting - via this platform

Very happy with her cleaning :) last minute and fast service - kind and friendly and professional. Thank you for helping us!

Alina S.04/07/2023Pet care

Marcela was fantastic and we felt very lucky to have her looking for our fluff ball. Our cat absolutely loved her, she even get our very shy girl (who usually hides when strangers are around) to be playful with her after several days. I don’t think our cat even noticed our absence, she was relaxed and cared for. We’d love to have Marcela back anytime when needed to take care for our pet 😁

About me

Hello, my name's Marcela.
I can look after your pet in the space of your own home, temporarily even at mine and I also offer dogwalking.
I'm active so I can take your doggie even for a longer walk or for a run in the forest, if that's what he desires.
I grew up surrounded by German Shepherds and later on by dogs with mixed breeds.
I had a dwarf bunny for 6 years.
Living in an apartment, for many years we have only had cats. Our oldest tomcat Denis is 18 years old.
When a dog, 2 cats and a bunny lived peacefully in one household, it changed my mislead vision of neverchanging hatred between the cats and the dogs 😊
I spent last winter in Lapland where we looked after 156 beautiful Siberian huskies.
I understand that the pets are family members and best friends for so many of us and therefore I put the same care and responsibility into looking after them as I do when it comes to my own pets.
The price is to be negotiated, according to the activity.

What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet

I am happy to learn about your pet and its routines and requirements from you.


Minimálne do konca mája som odcestovaná.

Current calendar is not availaible


English and Slovak

Having studied English and French languages in the secondary bilingual school, I speak English on an intermediate level and I only know the basics of French. I also lived in UK for many years.


Where care:

Primary city: Košický kraj » Košice » Košice I » Staré Mesto » Staré Mesto