- 1 year experience with babysitting
- 20 years
- Bratislava
- A 1 parent has already contacted her
- Activity 3 days ago
- Response time: 30 minutes
- Obchodná Akadémia Nevädzová 3
- Ekonomická Univerzita Bratislava
- prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
- I have a place for babysitting
- I babysit at parents' place
- I have a car
- I can take kids by car
- she can babysit 2 kids
- Birthday parties and other
- Travel for Vacations
- Overnights

Nikol H.
7 €/hour
- 20 years
- 1 year experience with babysitting
- Covid-19 vaccine

Verified e-mail and phone number
Verified address
Verified identity
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
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About me
Hey, my name is Nikol. I study at university in Bratislava. I got a lot of free time and i will be happy to help you out with your kids. I live in Old town. and I am 20, i got a drivers license as well as my own car. I love kids and they usually love me as well.I would love to help kids with homework, play with them or just help them throughout the day.
nemám dane kedy môžem a kedy nemôžem skôr ide o individuálnu dohodu keďže sa mi to často mení
Calendar last updated before 18 days
General Experience

1 year

1 year

1 year

no experience

1 year
Special Experience
Care for Sick Children, Food Allergies, and Sleep Disorders
Skills and Hobbies
Drawing, painting, Dance/physical activity, and Sport
Čeština, English, and Slovak
S angličtinou veľmi rada pomôžem kľudne aj s doučovaním. Slovíčka všetko viem a rozprávam plynule avšak gramatiku ako sú napríklad zložitejšie časy úplne neviem. Nakoľko mám angličtinu napozeranu a napočuvanú a nikdy som sa ju reálne neučila. Testy v škole som však zvládali vždy na A alebo 1